Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Cheats

Viewing the Credits: You will need to  enter you name as "_Credits".

Zombie Dash: After beating the game on hard, you  have the option to start the game
with all the weapons and invincibility(a short  time). Then go the the Echo Base and 
reach the ship before you lose these powers.  You will need to eliminate all the enemies
with the disruptor blast. You will die but you will get back up with 0 health.

Challenge Points:
Collect the challenge points on the different difficulty levels:
	hold the camera button for 5 sec. for  these extra effects.
	EASY - Instant Leebo Scanner.
	MEDIUMS - Fly the x-wing in  the Shyhook fight.
	HARD - Full weapons and 30 secs. of invincibility
	JEDI - Wampas  from the Echo Base helps you. 

Use the name R Testers ROCK to play any level.

Play As An AT-ST, Wampa, Or Snowtrooper:
For all 3 of these you must have the controller set to traditional
which can be done by pausing the game going to options and a controller option should be there.
To become an AT-ST: First make a new file (* are spaces ) called *Wampa**Stompa
and set it to the medium difficulty setting
Now start the game.
To drive an AT-ST do this: you MUST be on the stage with the AT-ST in it.
Then hit Left on the + Pad ( not the analog stick ) and the Right C button simultaneously
( don't hold them just quickly hit them) and then hit the Up Button on the + Pad.
Now press Right C to scroll through the camera angles;
you SHOULD see an AT-ST after cycling through them.
To become a Wampa: (nearly identical to the AT-ST code)
Start the Echo Base stage with the same name and go into the wampa room and hit
Left on the + Pad ( not the analog stick ) and the Right C button simultaneously
then scroll through the camera views again.
To become a Snow Trooper: On the Echo Base stage hit Right on the + pad
( not on the analog stick ) and the right C button simultaneously then hit up on the + pad
( not analog stick ) and then cycle through the camera views again.
On all of these you use the + pad (not the analog stick) to control the guys that you take over
and use the analog stick to control your normal guy.

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