Cheats for Star Wars: Episode 1: Racer

Select an Empty file, then hold Z while you enter the code, press L to select the letters

RRJUNNRE Unlocks a secret pilot. It only works after you unlock Mars Guo.

RRDUAL Activates the Dual control thing. You can pilot the Pods with two controllers. controllers 1 and 3 controll first player and 2and 4 controll sectond player .(this is hard to do

RRJABBA invicibility

RRTHEBEAST lets you pilot the races backwards, normally mirror mode is onlyavailable after you beat the races in first place

***For RRJABBA and RRTHEBEAST to work, you must activate them in the cheat menu. To do this, pause the race.

Then press on the D-pad, left, down, right , up ( codes must be reentered if the game is reset).


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