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Darth Maul

Darth Sidious

Jar Jar Binks

Nute Gunray

Senator Palpatine

Queen Amidala

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Qui-Gon Jinn

Anakin Skywalker

Darth Maul

     This Sith Lord was the apprentice of Darth Sidious, the mysterious force behind the Trade Federation’s blockade of Naboo. Maul was a student of the Dark Side of the Force, and carried a two-bladed lightsaber much like Exar Kunn did 4,000 years earlier. The obvious characteristics of Darth Maul were his tattooed, horn-studded face, piercing yellow eyes, and rotting teeth. Sidious dispatched Maul  when he learned from the Neimoidians that two Jedi Knights had been dispatched to negotiate a settlement to the blockade.When Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi fled with Queen Amidala to Tatooine, Darth Maul was close behind...

     He nearly  defeated Qui-Gon, but was unable to control him before they escaped to Coruscant.  Sidious then sent Maul to follow and capture  them on Naboo. While Queen Amidala’s forces tried to capture Nute Gunray, Darth Maul confronted both Obi-Wan and  Qui-Gon in Theed power generation station. A fierce battle ensued but onlt lead to a draw.  This was because they were  separated by the station’s laser defense systems. When the defenses dropped, Maul and Qui-Gon were left alone to battle while Obi-Wan watched mournfully as the Sith  killed the Jedi with a quick jab of his blade.  His victory was short-lived; Obi-Wan was able to escape the laser system and he attacked with the rage of his mentor's death. Obi-Wan was tuning into the Dark Side....  Darth Maul eventually forced the young Jedi over the edge of a power shaft. Obi-Wan recovered and, using the Force, grabbed Qui-Gon’s lightsaber, and sliced the lightsaber through Maul’s midsection. The fatally injured Sith Lord toppled into the shaft and was lost forever. Darth Maul was acted by Ray Park and voiced by Peter Serafinowicz .

Darth Sidious

     Sidious, a Sith Lord, was the force behind the Trade Federation during the time of the blockade over Naboo. He had control of many parts of the Galactic Senate, and put in motion an intricate set of schemes to take control of the galaxy. He had trained his apprentice, Darth Maul, and was ready to bring his plans to  full swing when Chancellor Valorum dispatched two Jedi Knights to Naboo to negotiate a settlement. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi ruined his primary plans, and sent Darth Maul after the pair. Meanwhile, Sidious continued to manipulate the Neimoidians (see Nute Gunray), to get the situation at Naboo under his complete control. When Queen Amidala returned to Naboo, Sidious saw his carefully constructed plans fall apart as the Neimoidians were defeated and the planet freed of its blockade, and Darth Maul was killed in the Jedi battle.

Jar Jar Binks

     This Gungan outcast was a companion of Qui-Gon Jinn. Jar Jar was thin-bodied and muscular, and had large ear frills at the back of his head. He was outcast from Otoh Gunga for his clumsiness that placed other members of the Gungan society at risk. As he was wandering the swamps of Naboo one day, he ran into the Trade Federation's invasion force, but was rescued by Qui-Gon Jinn and saved Jar Jar from punishment by claiming a life-debt on him. Boss Nass was reluctant to give up the chance to punish the younger creature, but was forced to grant the life debt.

     Jar Jar then traveled with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi, helping to protect Queen Amidala during the struggle with the Federation. Jar Jar’s friendship with the Queen led to a greater relationship when she pleaded Boss Nass for assistance in the Battle of Naboo. Boss Nass credited Jar Jar with bringing the Gungans and humans together in peace, and was promoted to the rank of General for his efforts. Jar Jar Binks was played by Ahmad Best in the film Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.

Nute Gunray

     Nute Gunray is of the Neimoidian specie and worked as the Viceroy for the Trade Federation. Most of the time, however, he was under the command of Darth Sidious. Timid in nature, he was  merely a helpless puppet in the grand scheme of the blockade. Gunray and his comrades were unable to foresee the resourcefulness of Queen Amidala, who fled the planet but later returned and managed to capture him and his assistants during the Battle of Naboo. The Niemoidians were returned to Coruscant to stand trial for their actions.

Nute Gunray was played by Silas Carson in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.

Senator Palpatine

     Palpatine served his homeworld of Naboo as a Senator in the Old Republic, and played an essential  role in the power of the Trade Federation. A student of the Dark Side of the Force, Palpatine used his political talents to create alliances with other power-hungry people to begin his own downspiral to evil....

     He used the Trade Federation to force the Old Republic to see itself crumbling. After manipulating Amidala and getting Chancellor Valorum out of the picture, Palpatine put himself at the forefront of the coming elections. He received a large sympathy vote from Naboo and the many forged alliances, and Palpatine was voted to replace Valorum. While remaining helpful, Palpatine manipulated the Old Republic until it began to collapse and quickly named himself Emperor.

Queen Amidala

     Amidala, a native of the planet Naboo, was just fourteen years old when she was voted into office as the Queen. However, she was already a seasoned veteran of the planet’s political scene, having served for two years as the ruler of the capital city of Theed. She favored heavy theatrical facepaint and an incredibly ornate wardrobe, but this was mainly for practical purposes. The facepaint and clothing helped mask her true appearance, which closely resembled that of her handmaiden, Padme.

     Her experiences on Tatooine with Shmi and Anakin Skywalker reduced her faith in the Old Republic anyways.  Moreover, Valorum’s lack of strength in condemning Nute Gunray's invasion only caused her to agree with Palpatine’s plan to remove Valorum from office. During her stay on Coruscant, Amidala realized that Jar Jar Binks were greatly misunderstood by the Naboo. With the Gungan's help, she created a plan to crush  the Neimoidian control. Amidala returned to Naboo and forged an alliance with the Gungan leader Boss Nass, and together they were able to  withstand the droid armies of the Trade Federation and free Naboo.

Natalie Portman was Queen Amidala in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

     Obi-Wan was taken from his family at an early age, once his talent with the Force was noticed. He sailed through his education at the Academy and his ability to control the Force was also evident. As a young Jedi, Obi-Wan was trained by Yoda, and quickly learned the value of patience and hard work.  Eventually, Yoda was elected head of the Jedi Council of twelve Masters, and Obi-Wan’s training was continued by Qui-Gon Jinn. They disagreed quite often, as Qui-Gon was headstrong while Obi-Wan was more practical. Ironically, their opposing personalities blended them into an effective team.

     Their differences were momentarily forgotten as the Battle of Naboo came full swing, and they battled the Sith Lord Darth Maul in the depths of the palace in Theed. Obi-Wan was forced to watch Qui-Gon die from behind a laser barrier. As soon as the barrier dropped, Obi-Wan attacked with the renewed strength of the Dark Side.  Darth Maul caught  Obi-Wan off-guard and threw him into a power shaft.  The young Jedi managed to grasp Qui-Gon’s lightsaber and killed Maul. Soon after the battle, Obi-Wan was given the title of Jedi Knight. At the same time, against Yoda’s judgement, Obi-Wan was also named Anakin’s Master.

Qui-Gon Jinn

    Qui Gon, a Jedi Master, was known as the most reckless member of the Jedi and this kept him from becoming one of the 12-being Jedi Council members. Qui-Gon was regarded as one of the best pure swordsmen the order had ever seen. Qui-Gon wore his hair long in a purposeless defiance of the Jedi order’s rules. His control of the living Force was deep, but his abilities with the unifying Force were not equally strong.

     While on  Tatooine, Qui-Gon discovered the existence of young Anakin Skywalker. A check of the boy’s blood revealed an incredibly high concentration of midi-chlorians.  He heard the tale of Anakin’s conception from his mother,  and deduced that he had found the prophecied Chosen One. He also discovered the existence of Darth Maul, and barely escaped from the Sith Lord. He met up with the Sith again on Naboo, and Darth Maul killed the Jedi Master with a quick jab of his double-bladed lightsaber. Obi-Wan was able to defeat Darth Maul once freed from the lasers, but was too late to save his Master. Obi-Wan held Qui-Gon in his last minutes of life, vowing to train young Anakin Skywalker.

Qui-Gon Jinn was played by Liam Neeson.

Anakin Skywalker

     Anakin grew up as a slave in the markets of Mos Espa on Tatooine. During the struggle on Tatooine with Darth Maul (and later on Naboo), Anakin met Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.  Afer the sudden death of Qui-Gon, Kenobi thought that he could teach Anakin how to become a Jedi just as well as Yoda.  Obi-Wan was unable to keep up with Anakin's desire to learn and the barriers of patience and hard work seemed to slow his growing strenghth in the Force...

This text originated from by Robert Vitas, and is based on information which is copyrighted by Lucasfilm Limited.

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