Rebel Assault 2 Cheats

Once in Rebel Assault II, press Alt and v. Type letco as passcode.
If successfull,  you get the message: "You are using the force".
Then try the following cheat codes  during the game:
- Increase damage.
+ Decrease damage.
Alt e  Extra life.
Alt l Toggles unlimited lifes.
While in Force mode, press Alt and  v. Type isnotry as passcode.
	This will activate Yoda Power mode and you can use  the following cheats while playing:
	Alt j Then press 1 to 9 for  levels one through nine or a to f for 10 to 15.
	Alt m Movie mode - watch all the  videos.
	Alt p Toggles autoplay.
	Esc Skips playable and cut scenes.  

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